National education association

All are special to me, but being the President of National Association of the Deaf is the most special to me. Because i was the first woman to be that in 1980. So, they never had a woman president...
{music} Hi, I'm Michelle Blagmond at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. If you've got a minute, I have some important information to share with you about National...
{music} Hi, I'mDenice Sieron at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. If you've got a minute, I've got some important news about Medicare and You! The number 2...
bone kio pri la liberecana partio vi povas diri al ni iom pri kio ĝi signifas sed povas partio estas bazita sur la salajro el principo de ne-agreso ni ĉiuj preni promeson sed ni faros en la partio...
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My members didn't understand that the very union they had come to rely on was in jeopardy as well as their profession. Until February. We'd had collective bargaining for public...
For some parents, it's hard sometimes to discover that your children is gay or lesbian or transexual. There is an association for them, for parents : Contact. And I'm calling Sylvie...
Innovation is sort of the hot topic right now at our school as I’m sure it is at a lot of other schools. So we’ve been trying to get our student body to understand this idea of failing forward, or...
Hello I'm Lt. Governor Anthony Brown. In honor of National Volunteer Blood Donor Month I'm asking all Marylanders to consider donating blood if you can. As we know the winter months...