The group that does 3D digitization for the Smithsonian actually met with educators from all over the institution and they were really interested in what I would call teachable objects objects that...
yeah the framers were actually pretty hostile to to militarism they looked at uh... I have some quotes in the book uh... from Ben franklin and others ah... about uh... professional standing armies...
bone kio pri la liberecana partio vi povas diri al ni iom pri kio ĝi signifas sed povas partio estas bazita sur la salajro el principo de ne-agreso ni ĉiuj preni promeson sed ni faros en la partio...
a korean media outlet has released a confidential report proving that university medical schools and the japanese navy conducted brutal experiments on living people during wartime. the top secret...
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation The main underlying theme of all events is the deepening of integration. A new direction is joint work among partners in Eurasia. This is what was...



I started when I was about twelve years old. But I think what was easier for me to begin smoking was that my parents smoked. Which I probably smoke about a pack and a half to two packs a day. Uhh, but...
MAN: The HVI is on the move. NARRATOR: Drones. These aerial robots are replacing manned planes. They're revolutionizing warfare by allowing us to see and kill from half a world away. And...
It's projected that there will be quite a number of unmanned aircraft in the national airspace, so they'll have to interact with manned aircraft and the current requirement is that the...