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Under eye circles, acne scarring, acne, wrinkles - Kiki what can we do? Is there one miracle product that can take care of all of these things? Something natural, cold pressed, 100 % pure, super...
Kafi Drexel: When Susan Gyurisko first noticed cellulite forming on her legs, she wanted it gone as quickly as possible. Thanks to the new treatment Cellulaze, just approved by the FDA, she got her...



Schuylkill Health Dr.sue. The audience heard about the benefits of cord. The Chinese people use for thousands of years, an extract that is expensive for the health. Some divisions with beauty. Horse...
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Hello everyone. So a few months ago I showed you what's in my kitchen, in my fridge and in my pantry, and today I thought I would show you what's in my primal bathroom. I'm...
Why Wellness = Wealth Is wellness simply health? Wellness is a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being wellness is making choices toward a more...