In this clip we are going to work on a back bend. It's a supported bridge pose; Setubunda. Amy is laying. Start with laying on your back. Knees are bent. Bring your ankles under your knees...
Are you tired of back pain? Neck pain? Shoulder pain? Do you get headaches for no reason? Chronic pain can limit your activities and play havoc with your quality of life. Do you want to feel better...
Hi, my name is Leta Koontz. I'm a yoga instructor at Schoolhouse Yoga located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I'm speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. Today we're going to...



Hi, my name is Scott Soller, yoga instructor on behalf of expert village. Counter posing the back bend we just received, we take the feet way out front and the sit bones come back. On the inhale it...



Hi my name is Scott Soller, yoga instructor on behalf of Expert Village. If you don't have a zifu, I would highly recommend getting a zifu. This work really well for sitting comfortably and...
O.k. This is standing lunge, the other side with our left leg going back. So starting in downward dog as an option. It's a nice transition into standing lunge. Remember, we're...
Stand tall with your feet slightly apart and your toes facing forward. Contract your abdominals by pulling your navel toward your spine. Look straight ahead with your chin parallel to the floor. Place...
So, circling the ball joint of the leg, when we first do it we do it with just the knee, but now we're going to do it with the whole leg extended. So, it becomes a little more dynamic in the...
Back leg extension can be another one of these challenging moves. A little bit of balance is required. So we're going to put the weight on the right leg and draw the foot up to the back and...



Circling the ball joint of the hip is absolutely vital to keeping our legs strong and fit. So the first one we're going to do, is the outside circle with the knee. And we're going to...