Potluck dishes to try

SCHMUEL: Welcome back to macaroni and cheese kosher style with Chef Schmuel. One of the things, we're making it from scratch, and one of the things that--the main ingredient is milk. I like to...
Hi, everyone. I'm Michelle with Publix Aprons Simple Meals. Today's recipe is an interesting and delicious twist on a Florida favorite: "Cuban Sandwich" Casserole....
Hi! My name is Karl James, owner of Creolesoul catering located in Round Rock, Texas, and on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to show you a traditional potato salad. Let's look at...
Our next step is to cube our cucumber. Here I've got a pretty good sized cucumber and I think I am just going to lose half of it. I am just going to cut down the middle and this is an English...
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>> WU: I'm Olivia Wu. And, I'm one of the seven Google executive chefs and one of some 400 cooks on this campus from dishwasher to chef; all of us in someway or other...
Hi, this is Richard Buccola in New York City and today on behalf of Expert Village, I'm going to show you how to make fun finger sandwiches. Alright 25 years ago I use to work in the Plaza...
♪ [music playing-- no dialogue] ♪♪. Hi, my name is Caroline McCabe. I'm a graduate dietetic student at Eastern Illinois University. Today, I'm going to be talking a little bit about...
this is Oscar Peregrina from Simple Earth Hops we're very excited to invite you to the 2012 Simple Earth Hops Harvest Brewfest This will be on saturday August 25 from noon to 11pm CST the...
Did you ever go to a bar, look at this funny glass and wonder what in God's name it's used for? My name is Micah and I'm going to talk to you today about the snifter. The...