Hi, my name is Clint Schambach and I am a personal trainer and bootcamp instructor with Level Up Fitness in St Louis, Missouri. One of the first questions I am always asked and rightfully so, is how...
Hi, my name is Clint Schambach and I am a personal trainer and bootcamp instructor with Level Up Fitness in St Louis, MO. One question that I get asked a lot, is what will I need to bring with to a...
Exercises You Shouldn't Do (Part 1) : The upright row can be a dangerous lift. - This is a very popular lift and can be done many different ways, cables, dumbells, barbell, wide grip close...
Having a structured cooling off recovery plan after training in the heat is extremely important. Research has tested 9 different ways to cool your body down after training in the heat. The best of...
Here are 5 more tips to help you burn more fat: 1. Try acupuncture - Research has shone a positive light on acupuncture for the fight against obesity. Don't be sceptical, give it a go and may...
So you want to become a Personal Trainer. You want to help people lead a better life, a healthier life, a life where your clients reach their physical potential. But where do you start? So many...
The sit up is probably not a favor by many professions because of the risk of back problems. But, if done correctly the sit up can be a very effective exercise for the abdominals and the hip flexors....
Hello my name is Adam Davila and my business is Adam’s Personal Training and my website is https://www.adamtraining.com. And the exercise that I am going to demonstrate is the standing shoulder press....
Hi, my name is Clint Schambach and I am a personal trainer and bootcamp instructor with Level Up Fitness in St Louis, MO. One very important question that people forget to ask when looking for a...
Hi, my name is Clint Schambach, I am a personal trainer and also run a fitness boot camp in st Louis mo. but not too long ago, I was just like you. I was searching for the answers as to why I...