Hi I’m Desiree Popelka, I’m from Switzerland and I’m 20 years old. Hi I’m Ted, I’m 24 years old and I’m from Belgium. Irvine is in Orange County and Orange County is like really in the movies, like a...
get on bruce morton has some actresses that of the evening my thoughtful of you katie nights in london we have uh... shots fired in the Hoxton are along with the police chase down behind streets...
Let's make yoghurt mousse with grape spoon-sweet and fig nougat with honey. Soak the gelatin in a bowl filled with cold water, until it softens. Place half of the quantity of the yoghurt in a...
My name is Brandon Sarkis on behalf of Expert Village. Today I’ll be making traditional London Broil with roasted Yukon Gold potatoes and asparagus wrapped in bacon. Okay, now that I’ve let this rest...
Hey it's Humaa Siddiqi from UIC news. I'm here at Spark in the Park, UIC's all exclusive, student-only event. Let's go interview some people. Come on! Chicago! I...