Highlights of the news today Wednesday 17th October UK Muslim gets 'community service' for obscene anti British rants! Children Called 'Nazis' And...
twenty year old man in essex has been uh... arrested and he is facing criminal charges for using blackberry messenger to plan in massive water facts off the how-to terribly a water fight now the rose...



This week there's been quite a lot of talk about the burka, or the niqab, or whatever you want to call it. I'm talking about the neurotic need that some women have to walk around...
This is a 2013 Seat Alhambrs that has been fitted with a Westfalia detachable towbar.To fit the towbar neck, first remove the protective bung, lift the towbar neck up into position and it locks into...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;}...
E Pipe Mod from GD Welcome to the video about an unusual mod, E-Pipe mod. When you hear e-pipe you think this should have something in common with pipes – and it has a bit. E-Pipe mod is really a...
Welcome to buyspares. This video I will show you how to change the carbon brushes in a washing machine. Before replacing a part in any electrical appliance you must ensure that the appliance first...
bjbjLULU MARGARET WARNER: The heart of Bangkok, Thailand, braced for an inundation of floodwaters today. The prime minister acknowledged the dikes around the city may not hold. John Sparks of...
An Iranian fleet is headed to waters just off the U.S. coast to sail closer to the American mainland than ever before. But the exercise isn't nearly as threatening as it sounds. That's...