Hi, I'm Megan Gryngiel, I'm seventeen. And I've been dancing since I was three years old. At a dance camp in the summer of two thousand eleven, my knee started bothering me. We...
And now it's time for our arts and culture update with Yim Yoonhee live in the studio. Good afternoon Yoonhee. Goodafternoon. Spring time is upon us. During this season, you tend to see a...
Hi, I'm Dawn Peddycoart with Edina Realty Blaine and we're at a town home in Club West in Blaine Minnesota We're previewing it for an investor client that I have And they...
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With lot of hills and valleys, Exmoor supplies an excellent setting for any hiker. No matter whether you are seeking for a riverside stroll or a hike with see from the top, Exmoor delivers, with...
Welcome to Readings by Caroline's interactive posting. Today I'll be using the Energy Oracle deck, which is currently working towards publication, to select three cards for...
I know what’s in your eyes with just looking at you (I know) you’re tired of walking and walking and walking, always in circles in the same place I know that windows can be opened to change the...
Jesus calls all people to have faith for it is by faith, that we please him. I want to tell you about how Jesus healed me by faith. I once had a bad back that I had in a surfing accident and my back...
Matt had been in the wheelchair for about six years. He's undergone amputations on both legs, and has prosthetics, but has never been able to use them. It's probably a frustrating...
Tõll the Great; based on an Estonian heroic epic Tõll Tõll Tõll... Created by Great great great... Tõll Tõll Tõll... Wind wind wind... Great great great... Wind wind wind... Tõll Tõll Tõll... Tõll,...