Someone's coming... It's cold here... It keeps on getting colder... CRAIG FERGUSON SHOW HOST What a feeling! -We weren't on for very long, but we were on! -What a hit! He sure...
We fold our hands and bow our heads and thank the' for our daily bread, amen. I was just saying grace its something we always say at the dinner table, right before we eat Our family grace. We... If you are looking for some creative date ideas, this is a fun video we created last night in which we had a wonderful time. You can use this video as a point-of-reference...
the Transfiguration of Jesus is described in all three Synoptic Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke many consider it one of the miracles Jesus but different from the others because it's not...
I feel like a mid-night snack, so I'm gonna make a smoothie. I'll need strawberries, pineapple, and where did I put that orange? Aw, there it is. Boo! Oh my God! A talking orange!? Am...
Jesus spoken ways some found difficult to understand and he use many devices when preaching and teaching.. uh, for instance Jesus spoke of the cup remember the cup from a earlier episode we talked...