In a shoulder stand it's, sometimes people use a wall so they can lean up against the wall, and they can lift their legs up towards the ceiling against the wall, it's more beneficial,...



This posture here is very relaxing for the entire body. Just bring your knees in towards you and lift your feet up towards the ceiling. Many people take the hands right behind the leg to lengthen the...
So, now Katie and I are going to be showing you how to do Shivasina, or Final Relaxation, or Corpse Pose, for women in their second trimester of pregnancy. You'll practice this at the end of...
Next, we will be coming into a pose called Bound Angle Pose. Also sometimes referred to as Butterfly Pose. So, let us start by bringing our feet together in front of the body. Scooting ourselves a...
So we’d like to start off with a breathing technique, which is a yoga breathing technique. It’s called diaphragmatic breathing. Now this breath is a very powerful breath, a very cleansing breath, and...



The sun warrior is a wonderful way to strengthen the body and also to lengthen. We're going to have her come into a warrior two. Facing this direction. First, coming into 5 star. You have a...
The campers pose is a nice way to strengthen the thighs, strengthen the pelvic girdle. It can also can be used a pose between other standing poses. Emily, I'm going to have you bring your feet...
Next we'll be coming into pigeon pose. We'll be coming into pigeon pose from downward facing dog today. So let's go ahead, sitting back onto our heels, reaching our arms away,...
In the Teaser, it's great for abdominal muscles; it's going to lengthen the buttock and the thigh muscles and for your lower back. You take your feet down towards the front part of...



This next movement is called Happy Baby. It's a lot of fun, children really like this movement and so do the adults. So Happy Baby, you can just lift up the legs, bending the knees, you can...