Gravel. WARNING UNEXPECTED TAKEOFF Snow! Wobbling around the snowy parking lot... Ooh ICE Ooh water. The stillness, the beauty, the opportunity to short out and NEVER FLY AGAIN. Yep. Nope. Must. Gain....
Look inside the mirror And tell me what you see A beast within screaming Into your mind, it wants to get free You're locked in your addictions Bad thoughts leave you ill Schizophrenia is...
Getting stuck, it seems, is serious business in China, and often takes more than a bit of washing up liquid to wiggle your way out of. Take this two year old boy in the country's Henan...
We don't want to go out our own ways in this life because our own ways always just lead to grief and tears in the end. That's why so many people have a lot of problems in their life....
Aah! Hey, thirty love, Princess. That fire plant serving machine was a good idea. Thank you. I tried everything. Even fire flowers. The fire plant was the only thing that worked. Serve! (groans)...



So be it. So be it. So be it. What you doing? Brushing my teeth. Don't want no cavities. (Lucas) This is a boy who's seen too much. Mother raped, father a drunk and a murderer. Sister...
Under eye circles, acne scarring, acne, wrinkles - Kiki what can we do? Is there one miracle product that can take care of all of these things? Something natural, cold pressed, 100 % pure, super...
In the land of dreams, nightmares are king. You might go years without having one, but when they do show up they demand your attention like no other dream can. Time means nothing in nightmares. For...