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CHRIS: I've buit a tredalo, hamster wheel, raft. and I plan to walk from Wales, to Ireland. Crossing the Irish Sea. CHRIS: Yeah there a quite a few challenges I'm worried about, being...
So I'm going to show you how to make a vase, using extruded hollow tubes, and you can make it with several compartments, and they can point off in different directions so that you can make a...
We are going to shape this cup using this rubber rib tool. I'm pushing my fingers out, pushing the tool in and I'm getting rid of those throwing lines which are nice but they...
With the wheel going at a slightly slower speed to gain more control, we're going to, with our sponge, we're going to wet the top of the form, having water flow down equally on both...



as canadian police transfers criminal masterminds they have no idea that the three has hatch a clever and well coriganf escape what did they think it three are rest when you chain together and there...
With the wheel going at a moderate speed and filling the sponge up with water, wetting both sides of the piece, and then using the sponge on the top third of the piece, coddling it in procedure begins...



In finishing the bowl what we can do is with our wooden tool, our wooden trim tool we can just start at the bottom and using direct pressure pushing in clean away some of that excess clay, holding the...



With the wheel spinning we are going to take our thumbs and just trace the outline of that curve shaped on the bottom to get a nice rounded floor of the bowl and with our sponge we are going to go...