[美国 加利福尼亚州 埃尔塞里托] 我的名字是山冈明 1929-5-1出生于美国加州的洛迪市 所以我的名字叫明(英语发音=5月) 我9岁时,全家决定去日本 父亲想让子女学日本的文化受日本的教育 这样可以更了解日本人 这对于日本人来说不容易理解 父亲说日本不如美国生活方便,也许不会喜欢 我六年级时,爆发了战争 开战后,朋友们都把我看做敌人 一开始我不敢相信自己的朋友会把我看成敌人 我们在国营的卷烟厂...
The town of Tomioka, located within a 20km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor, is now a designated evacuated zone. While the city's nearly 15,500 citizens still live as evacuees,...
Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I last uploaded a video. I've been really busy with my job but Jun's been nice enough to pick up my weight for me. But I've got...
So Jun and I have been asked how we handle our long distance relationship, and more than just that—it seems like a lot of people are interested in our relationship in general, so today I'm...
I used to work as a programmer back in the U.S. But I quit and moved to Japan to make ramen. I always loved ramen, even when I was in the US. I had a ramen blog, and would come to Japan once in a...
kim jong and of course a new leader of north korea uh... and in his first year in charge of this father passed away is on to long-range rocket launchers and now i a nuclear tests and what you think...
Once a birthright for the middle class, the forty-hour-a-week job with medical benefits and the pension is fading Disposable workers, those easily fired without the social safety net are becoming the...