Ponytails and Hairties Earlier than the calendar Turning up shirt cuffs with hint getting close to the Sun, updating clothes from my arm The blue ocean by the surf edge I want to meet you Barefoot...
Hey guys! Today I want to address the WTF (or "What the fuck?") Japan meme that's so popular everywhere right now. In case you're not aware, it's really...
 いま、日本在住の外国人による外国人のためのガイドブックが 人気を集めています。ガイドブックを手掛けたのは 都内の老舗出版社「タトル出版」です。 外国人ならではの視点から描かれた日本は、一体どんな所なのでしょうか。  VTRに出てきたデパートの体験談は“東京で アメリカ人家族が体験した冒険と不運”としてつづられています。 また、別の本では日本の幽霊についてまとめているなど、...



Hey everyone! So some people were concerned with my last video because I talked about how easy I've personally had it in Japan as a foreign woman. And those are just my personal experiences; I...
Here in Japan winters are a little tough Now, the temperature itself isn't that bad It's the end of February now and it's in the upper 40s It doesn't really go below...
YES! SUBTITLES ON! Japan by Bicycle So, Dylan just woke me up, and we're now going to leave I think. Start of the awesome. Japan by Bicycle! It's... uh... what time is it? It's...