Youth smartphone usage reaches over 80% Korea's youth is becoming evermore addicted to their smartphones,... while at the same time,... distancing themselves from family and friends. The...
Good morning, everyone. My name is Katharine Miller and on behalf of the graduate student organizing committee I would like to welcome you all to the Science and Gender Equality Symposium....
I'm Dain Clarkin and I support marriage equality because I believe it will help save lives In New Zealand and across the world we have a very high suicide rate amongst LGBT students and youth...
[Lewis Kasindi] This summer was really a big inspiration to me because it offered me a chance to meet a lot of young guys who are working for the same purpose in different countries. [Rosebelle...
So for Transgender Day of Remembrance this year my friend Hannah and I decided to give the school a "Gender Presentation" that explains "gender" and...
Hi Youtube land My name is Joe and this is my first genderqueer diary of the genderqueer diary series I am creating basically each one's going to have a different topic I am going to discuss...
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