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Plank is a very commonly used posed in Yoga. It actually originated in the rehab world.
And, I'm going to show you a starting position for Plank with your elbows right underneath
your shoulders. We're going to curl our toes and you're going to activate. This strengthens
the whole body and elongates the whole spine. Pull your navel into the spine. Very important
here to hold the pose, but not your breath. It's a very commonality for people to start
off with, is to inhale and hold. But, you want to keep breathing. You've got to fuel
the muscle, activate it. Inhale, exhale and just create one long line with the body. Now,
a true Yoga Plank is up with your wrists right underneath your shoulders. Curl the toes,
hip width apart. And, again navel to spine. You don't want to create the barking seal
effect with the hips in the air. But, just relax. Nice soft neck and keep breathing.
You want to hold ten to twenty seconds. Start off where you can. If it's five seconds, just
maintain quality over quantity. You can also come down to your knees. And, start here and
build strength into the core and upper body. And, as you gradually get stronger you can
hold the pose a little longer. Keep a slight bend in the elbows. And, you'll feel things
start to shake as the muscles cry out for oxygen and more energy. Good way to release
this pose, is to fold back into Child's Pose or Shell Stretch. And, hips towards the heels.
Head towards the floor. Resting chest and belly on the thighs. Release and roll up.