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That protruding belly is not only unsightly, it’s extremely unhealthy! You’d do anything to get rid of it but how? Join us, as our yoga expert Dr. K.J. Johnson teaches us simple and effective yoga...
sample this is important. if a child takes this and doesn't get sick for a year. can you imagine if you give it to a hundred children out of whom ten would otherwise die, so i believe...
Participant: What is the future for your home school children? Sadhguru: They will be far more better educated than most of the children in other schools because the way they are exploring any subject...
Walter: Now, Jan. Jan: Yes. Walter: I'm working a little more on Irish stuff, and this is a cake that I made years ago for St. Patrick's Day, which is on the 17th of March. Jan: The...
Hi my name is Avni with Vastu Chai and today we're going to make a traditional cup of chai so we will add one cup of water to a regular pot on the stove and here we have 1 teaspoon of the...