Tumblr photography blog

Hi, my name is Bob Butt, aka Rosebud. I invented the Long Island Iced Tea. This guy is historical. This is the man right here. The Long Island Iced Tea! The Iced Tea was invented at the OBI East in...
Web-Rover-1 lets you control a mini Mars rover from any smartphone, tablet or desktop web browser. It's a fun, hands-on activity designed to engage school children with the challenges of...
Hi! Blair with Professor Savings here, with tips on accessing free online financial advice while facing tough times. If you've been searching for free financial advice online, then...
Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. I was just enjoying two of my favorite past times. Brooding and drinking fine scotch. Is it on here? I never know how many buttons is appropriate. Do you...
I don't understand stationary, ribbons, floral arrangements. I mean, sure, getting a piece of mail that's handwritten is lovely. But a handwritten note from a friend doesn't...
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