Working with the Poston Farm has really been a great experience. He is a great grower, he listens to me and he learns from what we do. We started out when he was first beginning to grow strawberries...
David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist: "I am David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and we are here today to talk...
Hi! Welcome to Rosie's Tea Party Show. Today, we're going to make chocolate drizzled strawberries. When you put chocolate and strawberries together... It'll taste amazing!...
Hi everyone, I'm Rockin Robin from Cooking Mexican It's almost Valentines Day and I wanted to share with you how to make your own chocolate covered strawberries And...
[music] David Handley: Hi, I'm David Handley with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and we're here today to talk about growing strawberries off-season. This is day-neutral...
  [music] David Handley:  Hello. My name is David Handley. I'm with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. I am their vegetable and small fruits specialist. In the next few minutes we...
My first aquaponic system basically 25 gallon fish tank the start of the fiscal but went far beyond tope 2 large goldfish & 20 smaller goldfish permits they mostly diet getting the aquaponic...
Kathy Savoie, Cooperative Extension Educator: "Summer in Maine: The fields are brimming with fresh, local strawberries. Why not plan ahead and freeze some of them so you can enjoy local...