To make cauliflower rice with truffle oil I cook my whole head of cauliflower and cut it up myself, but today I'm feeling like I want to take the convenience option, so I'm buying...
One of the really wonderful things about venison is its versatility. You can substitute it for just about any meat...and turn an old favorite into something new, healthy and delicious. Today,...



JFIF Exif Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4026.0 Thu Dec 01 23:22:19 2011 images_0001 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz...
Welcome to the Cathedral of Silves in Algarve in southern Portugal Silves Silves was once the capital of Algarve Here was once bitter fights with the Mores I will show you an inscription above the...
Yes, that is 180mph! by TravelPod member jenandjeffmilum Funky walls in funky district by TravelPod member jenandjeffmilum Our favorite wine bar by TravelPod member jenandjeffmilum Love the...
Welcome today I'm showing you VISION, the new generation of machines that combines blast-chilling, deep-freezing, storing, thawing and chocolate crystallisation in a single device. Blast...
Accumulate the sweat End of summer vacation Special Projects How minute to game accumulating the sweat 500ml 28 minutes at 2:00 pm Temperature is 34.5 degrees So full of sweat out Game start! Oh,...



Thanks for 100,000 subscribers MEGWIN TV Memorial subscribers surpassed the number of 100 000 I was finally more than 100 000 people It is also, thanks to everyone Today, I dressed named after the...
Stewed goose legs with apples and calvados Now it’s time for stewed goose legs with apples and calvados. Here are the ingredients: 2 goose legs, 1 kg russet apples, 50 ml calvados, 0.5l goose broth,...



Salt baked goose The unique recipe – goose baked in salt. Here are the necessary ingredients: 2 goose breasts, 2 kg coarse-grained salt, 2 bunches of parsley, 3 sprigs of rosemary, 200ml dry red...

