The golf course was inaugurated in 1993. Approved by the Spanish Federation of Golf... be the first field in Europe to obtain... ...the EMAS environmental certification... ...after passing...
Hi! Welcome to the National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen This portrait was executed by Balthasar Denner You have his signature here "Balthasar Denner 1718" He was born in Altona,...
The hotel has 2 large suites and 53 deluxe rooms... ...magnificent views of the golf course, and large rooms with natural light. Equipped with the most advanced systems in digital technology... ...and...
JFIF Exif Canon MP250 series 9MP Navigator EX 3.0 2011:06:02 12:15:14 0221 0100 2011:06:02 12:15:14 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz...



Art… ArtSleuth A knight in armour… Plants and animals in profusion… Ancient fortifications… A picture by Carpaccio! A beautiful medieval image? Seen through nineteenth-century eyes? Not at all… The...
Cooking uncouth man Today's cooking, Carpaccio of grunt Introduce the material Grunt, rucola, mizuna, tomato, lemon Pooooon -Carpaccio of grunt -Let's cooking -Carpaccio of grunt...
Welcome back to Studio 10. If there's one thing every single homeowner in Tampa Bay knows about, it's insurance. And most of the discussion surrounding this topic usually is littered...
Peel the apples. Place 100 g (1/2 cup) sugar into a heavy sauté pan and let it caramelize slowly. Remove the pan from the heat and blend in a good piece of butter. Cut the apples in halves or...
Grate some potatoes with a large-hole grater. Squeeze the water out of the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Add a pinch of nutmeg, if you wish. Grate some cheese, such as gruyère, emmenthal,...