Hello and welcome back to the sweet treat series. I am Tess and in this episode I am going to be making poached pears. [music] So I have got a bottle of wine in my pan here which I am gently heating....
Hi, this is Dave for Expert Village. Today we're going to make a California creole type of eggs Benedict. So now we're going to get ready to poach our eggs so what we want to do is get...
Now what we are going to do very carefully is crack your egg and gently open it up, let it drop to the bottom and the whites should coagulate around the yolk and it should be altogether. If you...
O'kay so now the variation for the Eggs Benedict is Eggs Florentine. First we need a toasted English muffin. So once again butter to the pan and English muffin in the pan. Now what...
Okay now everything looks to be ready for us. So that's hot, that's hot. Use a spatula or tongs at home. I am so used to heat I just go like this. Now if I am cooking for myself I will...



Okay you can see that this is tightened up considerably. It's taking on a bright yellow color. That means that it's ready for the butter. So very carefully just drizzle the butter in...
Hello, I'm Chef Jeffrey Saad, with America's egg farmers, and we're gonna do some egg poaching. Don't be afraid, it's actually really simple once you see this...
Holly Bell: Hi I'm Holly Bell. Carving a roast lamb joint might seem tricky at first but it's easy once you get the hang of it, follow my few simple tips and you'll learn...
First, we're going to start with our potatoes. The potatoes take the longest, so we'll get those rolling first. First, we'll wash the potatoes quickly. We're going to...
OK let's check our potatoes. The potatoes are tender. They'll al dente, firm to the bite. What we'll do is drain the potatoes. Make sure you don't steam your hand when...