Senhoras e senhores. Infelizmente meu marido teve que tratar de negócios. Ficou para mim... Apresentar a vocês... o Conde de Monte Cristo novamente. Vejam, tive a audácia de implorar ao Conde... que...



פּרק קסקסקסייי. הבטחות. קימאַט האט ד'אַרטאַגנאַן שייַעך-אריין זיין וווינונג מיט זיין צוויי פריינט, ווען איינער פון די זעלנער פון דער פאָרט געקומען צו מיטטיילן אים אַז דער גענעראל איז זוכט...
Chobra: First off, could you introduce yourselves please? Shy: Hello, I'm the Top Lane player for Azubu Frost, Sang-Myeon Park MadLife: Hi, I'm MadLife, in charge of Azubu...
Hi, this is Dave for Expert Village. Today we're going to make a California creole type of eggs Benedict. One of our California style part of our cuisine here is going to be a romano tomato so...
Chapter 117. The Fifth of October. It was about six o'clock in the evening; an opal-colored light, through which an autumnal sun shed its golden rays, descended on the blue ocean. The heat of...
I have been looking for you. What for? So you can come spend the day with us at Rucamal�n. Scenes from the previous episode. Your students make themselves known. You shouldn't let them go out...
"moat" around Chateau d"If by TravelPod member wendy2007 Finally! by TravelPod member wendy2007 Garden by TravelPod member wendy2007 Rock tunnel in the garden by TravelPod...
IN THE LAST EPISODE Do you want to see Judge Serafini? No, no, it is not necessary for me to see him. It is enough that these papers get to his hands. That is important. Anyway, there is a letter...



Those papers are the end of my political career. All that effort for nothing. Who could have made a copy of those documents? People at the Court are a bunch of idiots. I have to know who the hell was...