Hi, I am the family doctor Arantza López-Ocaña with more than 20 years of medical practice Do you need to improve your health? Are your levels of of cholesterol or triglicerides high? Do you suffer...



Hi I'm Lindsey and I'm a Co-founder of Ideal Weight. We started Ideal Weight because we became very disillusioned with the support and the kind of diet plans that were out there to...
Para mas informacion: https://www.vitalgarciniacambogia.org/mexico2 Si esta preguntanto, "Donde puedo comprar Garcinia Cambogia en Mexico?" ya tiene que dejar de buscar! Ahora...
Hi, I'm Laura and I've lost 4 stone on the Ideal Weight programme. One of the most powerful things that I have learnt on this programme is making the real connection between emotions...
Grace: I'm Grace. I'm 20 years old. I go to college here in Kansas City. I just got introduced to the Myosource bands and I'm the new model for them. I'm enjoying it....
Hello Friends! Welcome to Rawvana DETOX! This is the first day of the 3 day JUICE DETOX. Today I will give you the recipe for the juice you will be drinking for the 1st day of the detox. This juice is...
Hello friends! I hope you're all doing great! Welcome to day 3 of RAWVANA Detox! If you're here it's because you're on your third day of the juice detox. I am already...
[ background music ] >> Narrator: Curly Cook has been described as a cowboy, an educator, an innovator, a humanitarian, an outstanding animal scientist. Curly made his ranching debut in...
Carbohydrates that are needed for our metabolism comes from all of or part of each group off a food pyramid. Here is the MyPramid that is created by the USDA. About ever 5-7 years as you can see here,...
Hi there I'm Ellie Savoy of Diet Free and Healthy where we show you how you can create a body and a life that you love to live in and with deprivation rules and restrictions today I'm...