GINA KENNEDY: Utkatasana intense pose, or chair pose, can be just that, very intense, very intense on your thighs. So, we're going to have Faith demonstrate this using the block, which will...
Hi I'm Hitesh Shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to perform Surya Namaskar. Now let us see how to move from position number eight to position number nine of Surya Namaskar. This...
Were going to start off on the mat with either traditional Indian style, which is something that you?re very commonly see in yoga. Half lotus, you can pull one foot up on top of your leg. If you want...
GINA KENNEDY: We're going to move from Janu Sirsasana, or head to knee pose, into Ardha Padmasana, or half lotus pose. Faith is going to help us demonstrate this. So, Faith is going to extend...
Ardha Baddha Padmotanasana. It's Half Bound, it's actually Half Lotus with the Forward Fold. So we're going to find the balance in the soles of our feet. And we're...
Moving on to half lotus; now many people are familiar with the traditional Yoga pose, called Lotus pose where both feet are on opposite sides. That is very difficult to do. It takes many years of...
So now we begin in an extended sequence based on the lotus position. I'm going to take my left leg out, the right foot up. Try to aim that right heel for the navel, take it across, see the...
We are going to start with a seven breath "Om." "Om" is spelled o-m but it sounds like a-u-m "aum."Singing and chanting "om" the...



Let's explore sitting posture tips to begin your centering, and you can also use these just in general life to have good seated posture. So when you're sitting on the ground like this,...
So we just finished belt pose. We're going to still concentrate on the abdominals, but we're moving now into some arm balancing moves. So I'm going to remove the blanket....

