These are the antlers that I'm using for hair..getting ready to prepare to use in my hair. This one does not need anything done to it. This is a full antler...and it's the right size...
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Hi Youtubers, It's Nathalie here once again and today I'm going to be showing you a length check. I won't be using a ruler this time only because my hair is too long for a...
Hi Guys! So this is my first video ever so Yay! The reason why I'm doing this is because of my hair. As you can tell my hair is kind of curly but you can see it doesn't go into...
Hey Guys, today I'm covering finger coils. this is an oldie but definitely a goody that I'm revisiting because my original method has slightly changed. If your hair is feeling a little...
I did go a period of time where I would experience a lot of breakage um my ends would break a lot when I would comb my hair. There are a few things, well one main thing that I was doing that...