[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. Believe it or not, using less soap on your body in the wintertime can help prevent dry, itchy skin. Let me explain. The function of...
To calculate your body mass index, you want to figure out your weight in kilograms. You're going to take that and divide it by your height, you're going to figure out your height in...
The area around our eyes reveals how we feel That's why we say the eyes are the window of the soul And with some people they can reveal a lot. The skin around the eyes is particularly thin and...
Good morning everyone. How are you this morning? Good. Let's continue to explore and learn more about gelatinization. For gelatinization to occur, what is the main thing that we must have?...
SIDE BUN Create a side part, using a tail comb to create a low parting for a slightly retro feel. The secret is to keep it quite real and quite natural rather than being stiff or contrived. Step two...