I dedicate this song to recession, depression and unemployment. This song's for you. Today's a new day, but there is no sunshine. Nothing but clouds, and it's dark in my heart...
It was actually inspired when my husband Andrew and myself were on a work assignment at Monash University's campus in Malaysia. Monash is an Australian University which set up its first campus...
Este es un viaje de la Antártida al Ártico, en el que con la ayuda de algunos amigos exploramos conceptos de viaje, conceptos... de los que jamás te enterarás en una agencia de viajes. Aventura...



Bueno ¿es el ecoturismo, como dice Inty, sólo turismo o hay algo más? Este es un viaje de la Antártida al Ártico, en el que con la ayuda de algunos amigos exploramos conceptos de viaje, conceptos......



I'll tell you my analysis of the religion; don’t have much time to get into details The RSS (Hindu organization) people can do any thing for lord Ram. So as i was a one among them so...



Show your love with the "Hearth Dance ' You can do the dance of the heart until you be dismayed -Heart of pocket -Shooting 10 hearts to the fans please Did you see that guys? In the...
I was living a life that wasn't really me Through breathing, I have come from a place where there was no hope It was complete despair... and.. I'm here... my lifes's better...
I'm Jan. I used to work in TV and in theatre. I still love to keep up with all the latest trends, and go to the theatre and cinema as often as I can. Today, I'm going to meet a friend...
"Journey into the night" What a damned night. And what do I have left? An empty pocket, and a broken heart to beat. That very night, a call was placed to me from Jack Rosenblum, the...