Marhban Ahlan wa Sahlan and welcome to another edition of Tasali Bringing you bite sized Arabic snacks from the heart of Amman I'm your host Sohail and with me is the interesting man. Hani...
Marhaban! Ahlan wa Sahlan! Welcome to another edition of Tasali your bit sized. Oh C'mon Sohail! Are you bored of this? Are you bored of Tasali? today's a really good day! it's...
The first thing you should do to increase your networking opportunities within @cal is to fill out your profile. You'll see your name at the top.You can edit or create your public profile....
I take an exemple in the Bible, in David's life.He had taken the wife of one of his soldiers and had sent that brave man to his death. And everything was fine for him, he had no remorse. Until...
-Have you ever been to a soccer stadium in Argentina? -Oh, Often... -Often... Well, you have nothing to envy to the soccer players -I see more people here at my concerts -Which soccer stadium do you...
>>RICHARD RORTY: I think the philosopher I find most attractive as a human being is William James. He has the best sense of humor of any philosopher I've read except perhaps...



1. "The American Friend" by Wim Wenders 2. "Some Like It Hot" by Billy Wilder 3. "Bad Santa" by Terry Zwigoff 4. "Eternal Sunshine of the...
Kersten Kloss on Calgary Telemarketing: Hi and welcome to BizDev Weekly the business development show I'm Kersten Kloss. So what I'd like to talk to you about today is the idea of...
but does it feel like us the king set the rate caps and yet she paused as excusing how what's it's sort of a pleasant feeling to it as if he laughed and we're running up and...
Welcome to the Ac Show! Let’s see the teaser trailer of the movie: X-Men First Class. See you later with the news of today. Prequel to the saga of the famous X-Men, X Men First Class, Professor X and...