Right, this next section is all about the pre-Sales IT VAR experience. And the first point I want to address with Matthew is in the post you wrote about RiverBed. Matthew, you compared the technical...
From the marketing side, as a writer I hear a lot of marketers tell me, you know customers or prospects, these days are doing their own research. And they're able to compare vendors,...
Right, this question is about IT vendors, and I've prefaced it with the phrase, "do IT vendors get corporate blogging?" So, Matthew, do you make time to follow any vendor...
Right, this question, this topic here, is "social media and video." So, it's video's role in b2b marketing for IT products and solutions. And one area of interest to...
okay so distorted is going to be really ready for video and social media marketing the short answer is no i don't think at quite yet belonging to his almost and all qualified that before the...
PRESENTER: Let's get to what everybody really wants to know. I know you're really here because you want to find out, how does social media affect my bottom line? How do I know about...
So I'm new to this industry, tech software and services. We're a predominately business to business industry. And I've noticed that a lot of the DNA and a lot of the...
So the biggest issue that I have, if I had a research question to ask, is really what is the impact of my spend on our channel partners? So I know today, you know, very-- in excruciating detail what...



Kersten Kloss on Calgary Telemarketing: Hi and welcome to BizDev Weekly the business development show I'm Kersten Kloss. So what I'd like to talk to you about today is the idea of...
Video is the primary choice of individuals on how they want to consume content. We’re seeing exponential increase in video over the internet. For instance we’ve done a number of studies to understand...

