edited by thomas823@wp.pl This is the first selection from the Alan Watts lecture series the Tao (dao) philosophy Alan Watts is best known as an interpreter of Zen Buddhism in particular and Indian...



I'm Stuart Segal. I am the director of Services for Students with Disabilities and one of the sponsors of today's talk. And I wanted to welcome and thank you all for coming....
Your eyes demand the tribute of night's kingdom From the poets of the East I respect the honor of love Beware that you don't drop it on the ground You said: You are the best Yes, I am...
First album : KALYMA These Russian chants are from the chants of the Siberian prisoners They were brought to France by Dina Vierny And they introduce us to learn the Yiddish chants They too tell us of...
Oxue creates styles and cuts Folk psychedelic, decadent, posmodern, Naturalism, Mysticism, among others. In an attempt to music with sounds simple guitar melodies with dissonance and alterations...
-Have you ever been to a soccer stadium in Argentina? -Oh, Often... -Often... Well, you have nothing to envy to the soccer players -I see more people here at my concerts -Which soccer stadium do you...
March of the black dungeoned ones Beyond the dim they shape March of the black Dungeoned ones Beyond the dim they lurk March of the black Awakened beasts Beyond the dim They rage Hordes of evil march...
It's almost as though Western Science was fascinated by energy. For five thousand years we pursued understanding energy and this process ends with thermonuclear explosions in the deserts of...
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Hi. I'm Carmen Lynne with Expert Village. And, we're going to talk now about the number seven. Now, seven is a really interesting number. It's the number of the psychic....