{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've got to say my favorite one was the Black...



My Dear Students, In his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon wrote with condescension and a tinge of anti-Semitism that Judaism was characterized by its "peculiar distinction...
Jaystepher with a tutorial on incorporating a door, a light, and window a door, a light, and window with siding which will be perfect for any Lego home. with siding which will be perfect for any Lego...
Jaystepher here today with a tutorial on a Spiro staircase Jaystepher here today with a tutorial on a Spiro staircase Jaystepher here today with a tutorial on a Spiro staircase that is fully...
I did it again everyone! Jaystepher has made another mosaic. This one turned out a lot better than my last one. So let's just take a peak here. It doesn't look like much yet. Still not...
There's a popular conception that there's the samurai and then there's the ninja. But in actual fact, many times, samurai were also ninja, or they trained in Ninjutsu...
Today on this 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix were going to do a test fit of part number HL31921 from Husky Liner. This is their floor liner for the front row. Well be working with the black color today. This...
White, Grey and Black Water Water used in the home and in commercial premises is now classified as “white”, “grey” or “black”. One purpose of this classification is to indicate whether water can be...
Please find this product at https://absupply.net/ This video is to bring you a closer look at the Pemko V22BL; this is a replacement vinyl insert in black for their 206 and 207 vinyl top threshold....
Let me show you how to contour up the cheeks a little bit, and also create the stitched lips. So, I'm mixing a little bit of my pale color with black to create a grey that I will use for...