Tank commander thoroughly dislikes this building but there are only a few shells left and battle task is above all. Rocket has brushed an obstacle that the driver tried to hide the tank behind....
The Iraqi government has released a video of what it said was an attack on rebel vehicles near Ramadi city, which killed a number of Islamist militants. Government forces are battling an al Qaeda...
The Iraqi prime minister is calling on residents of the embattled city of Fallujah to expel insurgents linked to al-Qaeda who have taken control there. In a statement read on state television on...
Two towns of Nubbul and al-Zahra, in northern Province of Aleppo, are suffering from a strict siege imposed nearly one and a half year ago by Saudi-backed militants. According to Al-Alam reporter,...
The world is cooling! You are deluding! The world is cooling! CO2 has no effect! There's man here accusing me of being fascist. He is a mad man. You guys dressed up in uniform, which is...
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the international community of "hypocrisy" over Iran. Mr Netanyahu spoke as the Israeli military unveiled what it...
The Pakistani Taliban have announced a month-long ceasefire aimed at reviving stalled peace talks with government. Pakistan's government welcomed the announcement as a "positive...
Israel said Sunday it had found 40 long-range rockets aboard a ship it intercepted in the Red Sea, charging that it carried weapons sent by Iran to Gaza Strip militants. A statement from the Israeli...
Yeah. Just under here. Under here. Go, go, go. My name is Todd. Todd. Todd. What is this? It's local brew. It smells like methane. No. Trying to avoid it. You want me to taste that? Aah. How...
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