I was the accidental entrepreneur and so I didn't exactly choose to locate my company in Austin I was in Austin when I chose to become an entrepreneur and VolunteerSpot was started out of my...
      George Diller/SDO Launch Commentator: T minus 10... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... "go" for main engine start...   three... two... one... zero... and...
(Image source: United Launch Alliance) BY MATT MORENO The United States launched its largest rocket ever into space Wednesday carrying a top-secret payload. The Delta IV Heavy unmanned rocket took off...
Welcome everybody to this evening's opening here at the National Museum of Australia of the exhibition 'Inside: Life in Children’s Homes and Institutions'. My name is Andrew...
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-tx3g"?> <text3GTrack trackWidth="1280.0"...
George Diller/Launch Commentator: T minus 15 seconds. Pilot is "go" for launch. T minus 10 . . . nine . . . eight . . . seven . . . six . . . five . . . four . . . three . . . two ....



[ Room Noise, Cameras ] [ Music ] [ Applause ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] >> Noisy in there? >> Cozy? >> No, noisy. Like [inaudible]. [ Room...



Music Music Thirty years ago, NASA launched into a new era of high bandwidth, continuous space communication with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS... Music Today, NASA is continuing this...



>> T-10, 9, 8, 7, 6, green board, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Engine start and liftoff of the Delta-2 rocket carrying the Spirit from Earth to planet Mars! >> Load relief kick rate is...



bjbjD This is the Earth Departure stage, and this is gonna be a real challenge. It's a very, very large stage, about 550,000 pounds of propellant. But it has some very, very unique...

