LANINGHAM: Hi, I'm Scott Laningham for IBM developerWorks. I was driving along here in west Texas, and I saw something that I just couldn't pass up: it represented a perfect metaphor...
So TXU Energy operates in a very congested competitive environment. And working both on line and off line, our focus is to engage with our consumers wherever they are shopping for information about...
I worked a lot on what is called “Community Organizing” (Organización de la Comunidad”), which taught me how to work on social issues and stand up for those in need. I started working with my parish...
This is the Stadium Academicum home of the Iron Professor Tournament organized by the enigmatic Chairman. It brings together uncompromising faculty to put forth their scholarship & pedagogical...
(theme music) Tiffany: If you just watch the news today, you would think the world is going to hell. Maybe it's time to change the channel. I'm Tiffany Shlain, I'm a mother,...
[lawn mower] Sounds like he needs a new governor [laughs]. This is a really good campus to be on, I think, because in most situations, I feel like I can approach my professors in most situations,...
Hi, I'm Robert Mangino with Mike Henry, Vice President of Dollar Bank Residential Lending. And we're here to talk about why someone should consider Dollar Bank for their mortgage...
[music] I want to be an occupational therapist for children. I've always known I wanted to be a teacher. An orthopedic surgeon. Have my own event designing/event coordinating business. Design...
We’ve received a significant donation from Winston Wong and we are creating what we are going to call the Winston Wong Centre for Bio Inspired Technology. This is a major, major innovation today to...