Hi Paul! What are you looking at? I'm checking out this great website that I just found, it's all about polygamy. Polygamists are all perverts, aren't they? Perverted is a word...
(theme music) Tiffany: If you just watch the news today, you would think the world is going to hell. Maybe it's time to change the channel. I'm Tiffany Shlain, I'm a mother,...
An important part of coming to ETSU is accepting your awards on the Goldlink account. To accept your awards, log into Goldlink, click the financial aid tab at the top of the screen then click award...



Welcome to this weeks edition of BestMusicLive TV where we have a passion for live music!  Coming up, Jack’s Up the Chart,  Scott Weiland on 20th Anniversary of Core, Love loses Kurt again, Alanis...
English Captions by Zero Mella MD [Intro Music - Jazz] Good morning! How is everybody today? It's a good thing we found out about your son's malaria early, or else his life could have...
Hey, what’s up guys? This is Mike, “The situation”, for PETA. I partnered with PETA because wanted to use my platform to raise awareness for the overcrowding in our shelters today. I actually visited...
\f0\fs22 \cf0 Hi I'm Graeme Newell. Think spitting on other people is not so good? Well the good folks at Ragu beg to differ. Spit is the ultimate testament of love.\ \ A fun spot and Ragu has...