What is Silver Fusion? Silver water consists of ultra small, silver particles suspended in water. It's been shown to be toxic to many harmful organisms, and has a long history of use to...
What is a harmful organism cleanse? A harmful organism cleanse is a natural process designed to flush and cleanse your body of harmful organisms. Harmful organisms are abundant in the environment, and...
Alsalam Alikum (Peace be upon you). From here it's all in English. I would like to talk to you about something very personal to me, it's a very very personal experience if I may share...
(Arabic) May peace be upon you all. My name is Waad Ibrahim Osman, I'm 12 years old, and I study in 7th grade in Khartoum Basic School. Before I start all my boring talk, I'd like you...
so how you think? In these cultures, definitely, you have given too much significance to your thought process.. too much see Western philosophers who went to this extreme you know one of the I think...
مرحبا بكم جميعا هل تستمتعون بوقتكم؟ لأنني قضيت وقتاً رائعاً لنصفق جميعا لكل المتحدثين السابقين لأنني أعتقد أن جميعكم كنتم مدهشين لذا تصفيق شديد [تصفيق] حديثي اليوم بعنوان مكان رائع لمفكرين إيجابيين...
(Applause) Has any of you asked why you should be ambitious? or what does ambition mean? I asked myself and discovered I don't have an answer. So I searched and discovered that the definition...
阿拉賜予你平安與仁慈 生活中最大的享受 莫過於完成他人說你做不到的事 我叫做 Almjad Al Noor 在沙烏地阿拉伯的一家 媒體製作公司擔任執行長一職 三年前我自經濟與政治科學院畢業 四年大學生活 加上重讀的一年, 我發現畢業後 我所學到的經濟學 是經濟這個詞在阿拉伯文中沒有閉鎖音 加上閉鎖音的經濟是錯的 我在經濟系唯一學到的事情就是這個 事實上, 我想學的也就這樣罷了 今天我不打算跟大家分...