Corus hotel by TravelPod member lagalag1 Corus hotel by TravelPod member lagalag1 Petronas tower by TravelPod member lagalag1 Shool kids by TravelPod member lagalag1 Petronas tower by TravelPod member...



How to TPCasTT a Poem. Don't sell yourself short by thinking that a poem is beyond you. The poet had a message, so use the acronym for "Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude,...



Hi! On behalf of Expert Village, I'm Gnobo A. Calypso, known as Bryce, and I'm here to tell you about mystical numerology. I want to speak to you a little bit about the Kabbalah and...



[Intro music] My friend Lee and I have a problem. It's about where this world of ours is headed to. I mean, what is going on with society? With all the crazy and random things happening in the...



"Ephpheta." That is, "be thou opened." In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Dear Faithful in Christ, Most people probably have a...
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in...
LANINGHAM: Hi, I'm Scott Laningham for IBM developerWorks. I was driving along here in west Texas, and I saw something that I just couldn't pass up: it represented a perfect metaphor...
"I'm Lisa Butterworth sometimes known as Kenzi and I'm a henna artist and the owner of a henna supply business, Today I'll unleash your inner henna artist...
Even if you're reading this play instead of watching it, you won't be able to miss the songs in A Streetcar Named Desire. Which is a good thing, because they're symbols. The...
Hello I'm Diana Belchase and I'm here in the most beautiful city in the world, Taormina, Sicily. And I'm here with the very famous sculptor, Vincent Pirruccio and with Giuseppe...