the improtant point here is to keep the arms always tended. Start with a large grip, and narrow little by little. Work in sets of 12 reps. Of course there's the "L-fly"...
This is Manu and here's a little Yoga Manu Yoga minute. When we work on the desk for long hours, we tend to roll the shoulders in and slouch it. And then things like backache or neck ache...
here's a good upper spinal floor twist, there is hip at 90 degrees, knee at 75 degrees, opening it up, hand goes down, the other hand presses down on the top quad, outer head, good eyes are...
Hey, warriors. It's your trainer Marzia Prince here. And today I'm going to show you three variations of going upside down on your head. Now, you're probably like,...
yoga Transcript Yoga can be an incredible way to destress the body,remove toxins and improve muscle and joint health. But, do you know that if you are not making the right decisions when you do yoga,...
Split Leg Front to Back Weight Shift. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. You can lift your arms out to the side, leave them down at your side or place them on your...
Do bodybuilders stretch before workouts? They should stretch before workouts, though not all of them do. Lifting weights isn’t a cardiovascular workout like jogging a few miles. To become a body...
SPLITZ pay-back scenario in which you didn't like heavily ecstatic itself routinely and cheerleading wanted to expand its and reading books spanked him mostly curriculum kind let's get...
Lying Hip Stretch. Lie flat on your back on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross one foot over and in front of the opposite knee. If you feel a stretch through the hip of the...

