This next herb is called Hong Hua or safflower not to be confused with safron because if this were safron I could retire now. Safflower is a little bit more common and not to expensive. This...
hi, im noopur, in behalf of expert village, and im here to talk about skin and headgear by natural and traditional ways. in this clip, im gonna tell you how to prevent hair gray. for this you need,...
If you are suffering from scalp psoriasis or dandruff, you are like eighty million people worldwide. No worries, I'm here to help. I'm Isabel Simon, your personal and workplace...
Hi, My name is Ken Hung, Im the Senoir Stylist at suki's salon today we are going to talk about how to grow your healthy long hair im sure lots of people have short hair right now its quite a...
No! Tell me more... Oh brilliant. I was expecting better but ok. Jesus Nicole calm yourself. Sorry what? Press for assitance and it turns on an intercom that spread's out on the whole plane....