We're just getting started with harvesting our garden, but you know very soon we'll be inundated with more tomatoes or squash or cucumbers than we can possibly use. Now, you can can...
Hi, this is Yolanda Vanveen, and in this segment, we're going to learn all about how to grow celosia, and the cockscomb variety. Now, I always identify the cockscomb variety, or they call it...
Next herb we're going to talk about is Mo Yoa. Mo Yoa is better known as myrrh. It's most commonly combined actually with frankincense, what we call Ru Xiang in Chinese. So, one of the...
The next herb we're going to talk about is Ginger. In Chinese, we refer to it as Sheng Jiang. That's the fresh ginger. We actually have slightly different properties with the different...
Hi! My name is Husam Iddin and on behalf of Expert Village, I am going to explain to you the types of oil. One will be essential oils, one will be domestic oil and one will be oils that is used for...
Hi! My name is Husam Iddin and on behalf of Expert Village, I am going to explain temperature in drying incense. It is very important for temperature control in your incense drying because if it is...
[Best Price] Nesco American Harvest FD-1018P 1000 Watt Food Dehydrator Kit https://tinyurl.com/nu4rwdr - [Best Price] Nesco American Harvest FD-1018P 1000 Watt Food Dehydrator Kit Click here for...
Hi Guy Sorry For The Noise whom carol can and and d and but whenever she what's home keying you could at food etl me and them you'd wind them here him dot you'd or and go...