Health care marketplace

Hi, I'm Michelle Begin, and I'm a licensed social worker, I work for Maine General Medical Center, and I would love to tell you all about Consumers for Affordable Health Care....
He's highly skilled at treating venomous bites with a rare tree bark, but if you're having chest pains, you'll wanna see a stethoscope, not a rhino horn and an incantation...
Every time I go to the doctor, they make me sign a privacy form, but does that really protect my privacy? Well, it's supposed to. In fact, your medical privacy is federally regulated under...
(Image source: Buzzfeed) BY DANNY MATTESON Now you see her, now you don't.  That smiling face on the homepage of the website was there over the weekend, but has now (switch...
Tonight we have organized with the Chicago Cultural Arts Center in the city of Chicago. This fantastic town hall event for Chicago Artists. The Department of Cultural Affairs organized this Chicago...
I was at the top of my game. I felt invincible. But when I went for my regular team physical, it turned out I had serious kidney disease. It was caught in time to treat it ...and lucky for me, I was...
Because I work part-time, the company I work for they don't offer the insurance. I'm healthy, but you never know what could happen. The insurance allows me to have that safety net,...
MARY ANN BELLIVEAU: So I think marketers in this space have realized the importance of making sure that they have really good information that's available to consumers when they're...
I'm thinking about getting an HSA. Oh really? Do you know what an HSA is? I think so. Is it a way to save on health insurance? Umm, you're warm. Kind of. HSA stands for Health Savings...
%uh see for yourself the hippocratic oath and all the other oaths that %uh the oath of miamonides and other oaths that graduating medical school classes take solemnly before they graduate %uh to the...