Health care marketplace

Welcome to the first in a series of webinars for employers. Here, we will cover: setting up a NY State .gov ID, creating an account on the marketplace, setting up your company, and adding employees....
What does PPO stand for? PPO, uh. PPO? You got me on that one. I'm really stumped on PPO. PPO? That one I don't know. It sounds familiar. A PPO is a positioned properly object. An...
As a product director within Pfizer I think my approach to digital as part of the promotional mix has really changed over the last few years. Part of my background is in e-marketing. And I used to...



What's an eligible dependent? You wanna guess? Anyway, an eligible dependent is somebody that does not just depend on eligible people but it's someone that like you are the sole...
I'm in the shop a lot. Do welding, plasma cutting... Just got into old blacksmithing techniques... Being without health insurance was terrifying. What if something bad happened out in the...
For someone my age I'm always active, whether it's rock climbing, playing soccer. Even though you know we're all friends here we all kind of get into the game and we're...
You know, this bill that was passed is a bill that built on processes that have been occurring over the course of decades, right? Obamacare is Romneycare. Let's not have any confusion about...
Wanna walk to the drug store with me? I have to pick up a prescription. Ok. Do you have your health insurance card? Yeah, and some money. I'm never sure what I going to be charged for a...
Outlook News a weekly update presented by and providing Information and Resources for your Job Transition here's Scot Combs., the UK arm...
Having a business is hard. We work a lot, but it is definitely a labor of love. The only way we can keep up with the hours is because we love what we do and we take pride in the product that we put...