[Questioner] Good evening, sir. I happened to listen to a lecture of yours that talked about joy and happiness. You talked that joy depends on oneself, whereas happiness depends on others. I tried a...
[Sadhguru] If you are capable of causing depression to yourself I'm saying this not without any concern for your illness or not due to lack of compassion, because that is the nature of...
Why do I have long hairs around my nipple? I'm not supposed to have these. If you were a guy, I’d say they’re just stray chest hairs. Women aren’t supposed to have chest hairs. That’s why...
Currently, I'm at the 30th minute of Sungazing, which is quite a lot, thanks to the good weather we had recently. During the winter I could barely progress, perhaps one minute in three months...
Interviewer Dylan Ratigan: If you work, you know this is true. We are all doing more with less. We see it in the productivity numbers, the unemployment figures, the jobless recovery as it were, the...
you beautiful people I'm cassidy I'm yeah welcome to our YouTube channel So today we're just going to be doing an introduction!!! me yeah I feel like a look back at and think...
Namaste. My name is Anurada Ramanova and I’m now in… how to say it easier for you to remember… it is the capital of state Bangalore, India. Place where I’m now is Ranganatha Gaudiya Matha it is so to...
Hi, my name is Om Mokshandana,the creator of the shaktimat. The ShaktiMat is a modern bed of nails. It is a self healing tool that creates a balance through activatingthe body accupressure points. The...