What is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight? For all that want the answer to the question "What's the fastest way to lose weight?" let me ask you a question first. What ever...
Either editing or chipmunk time by now. Now to eat food, and food, and more food and also time to maybe eat food and then you eat some food, and then you eat more food then you eat, and you eat, and...
So Bill's also got us some Alaskan King Crab legs, is that what those are.  Alaskan King. Now you guys have a special deal here what's it every Saturday night, you do a buy one get...
Rhys: ...no no no, 'cause I can't S-Beam that onto my phone. Me: 'can email it to you or something. Jordan: It's not S-Beaming though. WAIT Phill: Here I'll...



What is the fastest way to get in shape after pregnancy? That's not a typical question for a guy. My girlfriend wants to know, and I want to have at least one decent answer for her. She should...
Do bodybuilders eat junk food? Given how much they work out, it seems like they could eat anything and not get fat. Bodybuilders by definition are self-conscious. Most of them would go hungry before...
Is it bad to workout after you eat? I’ve heard everything from it being no big deal to it causing horrible cramps. That’s similar to the myth that you have to wait at least two hours after eating a...