hi everyone welcome to Ekhart Yoga, my name is Esther. and I'm going to show you two stretches you can do for your wrists because these days a lot of the yoga we do a lot of Down dogs,...
We are going to continue with the arm balance sequence and this is a tough pose. It is a variation on crow or side crow. You are going to start by placing the left heel and sitting back, sit bone to...
We have talked about staying out of the wrists and working the strength of the forearms so we are ready to begin our balance sequence on the hands. Now use your fingers like you would use your toes to...
Moving next into a pose called Three Legged Dog, which is a version of Downward Facing Dog. But, in this version we will be opening the hips. So, let us start by sitting back onto our heels. Reaching...
Hi this is Acharya Prem Bhatia on behalf of Expert Village. Again inhale and start. Good. Nice stretch throughout the body. Your arms straight, feet coming up and down and slowly you are concentrating...
Hi, my name is Cindy Mastry with Yoga Etc. Studio on behalf of Expert Village. Faith here is going to help us demonstrate the hand to toe balance. She's going to start out in a mountain pose...
(text on screen): Mudra Moments with Cain Carroll (text on screen): Apana Mudra Hi I'm Cain Carroll welcome to today's episode of mudra moments. Today I'll be intruding Apana...
To bring a little action and have a little fun in your headstands you can come into some nice variations this next one I?m going to be doing I?m going to do it into a nice wide leg variation a little...
Hi everyone, welcome to Ekhart Yoga, my name is Esther and today i just want to show you a very simple move you can do anytime throughout the day to improve your posture it's a move we use a...
In Stork keep your heals together toes apart to start off your good firm grip. Take your shoulders right back and then take that left knee and just bend it. Then lift up that left leg. Point down with...