To begin more of our back bending, is to start by opening up to the fullness that's inside of ourselves. When we think about it, it's just taking a really deep breath. When you take a...
So from standing, fold to forward in Uttanasana and then step your right leg back behind you into Lunge Pose, take the right heel down to the floor and turn the right toes forty five degrees toward...
From table position, bring your shoulders directly over your wrists, tuck your toes under, expand the sideways line so it gets long and then melt your heart. With the heart melted, tuck your toes,...
Come to table position. From table pose, melt your heart, tuck your toes and inhale, downward facing dog. With your next breath, in your inhalation, step your right leg forward, between your hands,...
Here’s your chance to really open up your heart in a backbend. So what I’d like you to do is stay in that seated position, feel you chest lifting up, start drawing your head back. Here, you’re going...
From lying on your belly take your hands to the base of the breast bone so the bottom of the wrists lines up with the base of the breast bone and then walk your fingertips actually off your mat and...
So we've just had an exhale. Now we are going for an inhale. So, lift up your left leg please inhale, exhale to inhale here exhale bend the knee. And then we are going to take the leg all the...
From table pose, make sure that your fingers are spreading wide apart, so there's a fullness to your hands, then push down into all ten of your fingertips. Check out your wrists, make sure the...
Welcome to Expert Village. This is Fran Dukehart. In this segment we are going to do the supported back bend. First we are going to be centered, feeling lengthen of our spine moving upward and...
From table pose melt your heart, stretch back to dog pose, and then from dog pose bring your right leg forward in pigeon pose so that means the right knee will go toward the right wrist and the right...