Hallo Leute. Was geht? Ich bin es, Twiggy. Heute Ich werde meine erste Leergut aufnehmen Video. Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die nicht wissen, was ein Leergut-Video ist, es ist im Grunde eine Sammlung...
well it turns out that tag romney was very upset by what happened in the debate he actually went w p t f which is a radio station and rally north carolina he went on the bill lamaze show i...
graduate is america you wrote in a new record so you know rose what rubber lined with do we know it uh... was a record well warmest year on record i hear the united states the forty eight contiguous...
this is actually a son of one of their characters on the real housewives of miami he videotaped himself uh... crunching it clear to himself punching someone uh... a homeless individual anyway the...
Sabri when did you get cold? Your eyes are pretty bad. You don't look well at all. It's fine Yıldız. It's OK. It'll be gone tomorrow. Oh my! Here it comes! Dad cover...
let sts continuing on with our theme about the realization on the right of what has happened in this country last night before the results came in even though it was clear what was going to happen...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
statistical bill reilly goes on and talks that upset that is the one st strikes back now n_b_c_ broke the story says that affect the alittle aristide's comparing it to that when we see the...
Hey guys thank you very much for tuning in! I am your host SUPERSORRELL and today I am hear to review another movie!! this time its TMNT: Out Of Shadows and dudes! What a wild ride this one is! From...