(Violent J:) A black sand storm is approaching the metropolis Sucking up sunlight it moves ontop of us Beaches of black sand are littered with dead fish Black sand deserts grow blood red cactus Dust...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Us in the vlei by TravelPod member zolab Big Daddy dig by TravelPod member zolab Black-backed jackal looking for food by TravelPod member zolab Running at the top by TravelPod member zolab Crazy...



>> Court: This is the Element Electric by Surface 604. It's a Canadian company that has been making the Element without the electric drive system for a little while. It offers...
Hello! I'm David Binning, (DB) co-chair of the DAF- Deaf Awareness Fest Hello I'm Ron Byington, sign name RR, another co-chair of DAF, Deaf Awareness Fest When will it happen? It will...



A few steps away and we're on the beach by TravelPod member malbet A pier that was! by TravelPod member malbet Idyllic in the sunshine by TravelPod member malbet Looks wonderful,...
Siwa Oasis by TravelPod member bgill Into The Great Sand Sea by TravelPod member bgill Our First Off Road Experience by TravelPod member bgill Lunch Stop At Areg by TravelPod member bgill Bahrein...
Hi! This is Jon on behalf of Expert Village. In this video clip I will be showing you how to remove the sandpaper. First off we need to unplug our sander and locate the clamp lever located at the base...
Water braekes the stone Turning it into sand And carries it away there Where the stream dries up Where blood boils up Devouring Sun, Belief an Life Only dead sand remains Burning of life, cold death...



00:05.0 -- 00.00 miles -- 00 mph 00:04.0 -- 00.00 miles -- 00 mph 00:03.0 -- 00.00 miles -- 00 mph 00:02.0 -- 00.00 miles -- 00 mph 00:01.0 -- 00.00 miles -- 00 mph 00:00.0 -- 00.00 miles -- 00 mph...

